Director Iain Mattaj on Panorama della Sanità
In a long interview on Panorama della sanità – a specialist magazine aimed at doctors and healthcare managers – Director Iain Mattaj spoke about the Human Technopole project, stressing the principle of collaboration that underlies it and its prospects. The Director also described in detail the projects to fight Covid19 our scientists are involved in.
President Marco Simoni at the University of Brescia Open Day
President Marco Simoni attended the Open Day of the University of Brescia to talk about the importance of collaboration and sharing for research and innovation, but also for the achievement of apparently ambitious goals. He also recalled the importance of collaboration and inventiveness to face the period of recovery that awaits us in the future.
Human Technopole takes part in the Milano Digital Week
This year Human Technopole, took part in Milano Digital Week, which in this edition was held in virtual mode on the event’s website. Francesco Iorio, Group Leader of the Centre for Computational Biology, gave a keynote speech entitled “Genomic editing and big data for precision medicine in oncology“. Francesco Iorio’s intervention starts from estimated numbers- […]
A new paper by Francesco Iorio, Group Leader of the Research Centre for Computational Biology has been published in Cell Systems
It has been published in Cell Sistem “CELLector: Genomics-Guided Selection of Cancer In Vitro Models”, a new paper by Francesco Iorio – Group Leader of the Research Centre for Computational Biology – et al. To learn more about the content of the paper click here The Paper is also available in the list of publications of the Research Centre for Computational Biology.
The construction sites for the incubator labs are restarting in safe mode.
With all necessary precautions the ground works for our incubator labs have recently restarted! The incubator labs will host our first experimental laboratories. While all the operations necessary to guarantee the sanitization of the offices are continuing, our staff is working in smart working mode, thus experiencing an even better work-life balance.