Preserving and consolidating biomedical databases – Human Technopole signs MoU with the Department of Biology of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Milan, 1 April – Human Technopole and the Department of Biology of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” have signed an MoU that demonstrates their joint commitment towards the continued development of two databases, MINT and SIGNOR, which over time have become fundamental resources for the European bioinformatics community. Around 20 years ago the Molecular […]
Data against COVID
Our laboratories are currently under construction, but Human Technopole plays its part in tackling the current global healthcare crisis. Human Technopole scientists have already set up projects and collaborations with the main research institutes in Italy and abroad to contribute to the fight against COVID 19. Florian Jug, HT Group Leader in the Centre for […]
Iain Mattaj and Giuseppe Testa among the signatories of an anti-COVID19 proposal
Milan, 26 March – Director Iain Mattaj and Giuseppe Testa, Head of Neurogenomics Centre signed a letter to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and the Governors of the Regions for a Covid19 National Anti-Counting Action Plan. The appeal was promoted by Ruggero De Maria, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome; Andrea Grazian and Emilio […]
#RememberMyName, our social campaign to celebrate overlooked scientists who changed history
Milan, 11 March – In his article of 5 February, Massimo Sideri – editor in chief of Corriere Innovazione – wrote about overlooked scientists: those men and women who gave a fundamental contribution to scientific progress but whose names are often unknown. We took up his appeal and were inspired to create #RememberMyName, a social […]
Human Technopole joins M’illumino di meno
Human Technopole joins M’illumino di meno, the initiative of Rai Radio 2 and Caterpillar, and on the evening of Friday 6th March symbolically switches off the lights of Palazzo Italia and the Tree of Life, the iconic installation of Expo Milano 2015. But MIND’s contribution to raising awareness of the issues of sustainability and ecology […]