Human Technopole signs an agreement with the University of Naples Federico II

In these days we have finalised the agreement with the University of Naples Federico II that will allow the implementation of many synergies. In particular, the agreement allows for the exchange of research staff at all levels and the development of collaborative projects in areas of common interest. Moreover, the involvement in training activities and the development of joint seminars, symposia and workshops will be promoted.
At Human Technopole we want to contribute to the progress of the country, acting as a reference point for the Italian scientific community, and we are committed to raising the profile of the Italian biomedical community through partnerships and collaborations with national and international subjects.
For these reasons, we have signed several MoUs and created strategic partnerships with authoritative realities in the field of life sciences. We are Associate Partners of LifeTime, the pan-European research initiative that aims to revolutionize health care through the understanding and monitoring of single-cell resolution human diseases to transform patient care and the sustainability of health systems. We collaborate with the Department of Biology of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” to continue the development of MINT and SIGNOR, two databases that over time have become fundamental resources for the European bioinformatics community and we have signed an MoU with the National Life Science Technology Cluster Alisei (Advanced Life Science in Italy) and with the CL.uster A.grifood N.azionale (CL.A.N) in order to develop and promote the life sciences and agri-food sectors at national and international level. Finally, we have a framework agreement with the University of Milan and we are involved in the PhD program of SEMM (European School of Molecular Medicine), becoming a host institute for the PhD program in Systems Medicine.