National Facilities: A Milestone for 2024 and Exciting Plans for 2025

Following the launch of the first pilot call for access in June 2024, researchers across Italy enthusiastically responded, submitting over 120 applications to utilize the Human Technopole’s cutting-edge facilities for their innovative research projects.
The Human Technopole National Facilities stands at the forefront of biomedical science, offering world-class technologies in genomics, genome engineering, disease modeling, structural biology, light imaging, and advanced data analysis. These facilities serve as a hub for groundbreaking discoveries, attracting researchers eager to push the boundaries of science.
Applications submitted by 31 August 2024 were rigorously reviewed by the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee (SIEC), which evaluated them based on scientific merit. The results speak for themselves: 92% of the 41 reviewed applications were granted access, with nearly 70% earning a top-tier score (High) from the SIEC. This exceptional response highlights both the quality of the research proposals and the value of the National Facilities as a pivotal resource for Italy’s scientific community.
At the end of 2024, researchers whose applications were approved met with the National Facilities staff to finalize their project details. Access agreements were signed, officially marking the start of the National Facilities’ activities. The projects are now in the experimental phase, with users traveling to the Human Technopole campus in Milan’s MIND district to access state-of-the-art laboratories and cutting-edge instruments.
The geographical distribution of approved applications reflects a broad engagement from across Italy: approximately 60% were submitted by research institutes, universities, and research hospitals in Northern Italy, while 40% originated from institutions in Central and Southern regions.
In alignment with the Convenzione, special focus was given to applications from junior researchers who have been independent group leaders for less than six years. These junior PIs accounted for around 40% of the applications evaluated in the first round, highlighting the commitment to supporting emerging scientific talent.
The full list of approved projects from the first evaluation round of the 24-P call can be found here. The second evaluation round is currently underway, with newly approved projects set to launch in spring 2025.
Access requests remain open, with details on calls published on the Human Technopole website. Each call outlines the full range of services offered by the National Facilities, along with eligibility criteria, technical requirements, evaluation methods, and scoring systems.
Looking ahead, 2025 promises even greater opportunities, with additional calls for access planned, enabling more researchers to harness the transformative potential of the National Facilities.