23 July 2020

Now opening! 6 open positions at SEMM

Positions are open for Phd at the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM). As Human Technopole, we have 6 open positions available: 2 positions in Molecular Oncology in the Group of Prof. Vannini, Centre for Structural Biology. 2 positions in Molecular Oncology & Computational Biology in Prof. Testa’s Group, Neurogenomics Centre 1 position in Molecular […]

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07 July 2020

Human Technopole signs an agreement with the University of Naples Federico II

In these days we have finalised the agreement with the University of Naples Federico II that will allow the implementation of many synergies. In particular, the agreement allows for the exchange of research staff at all levels and the development of collaborative projects in areas of common interest. Moreover, the involvement in training activities and the […]

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07 July 2020

New paper by Francesco Iorio on Molecular Systems Biology

A new study by Francesco Iorio – Group Leader, Research Centre for Computational Biology – published in Molecular Systems Biology has created the most comprehensive analysis for understanding how cancer drugs work at a molecular level by combining drug response data with CRISPR genetic screens across hundreds of cancer cell lines. The research identified the […]

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06 July 2020

Iain Mattaj at Future24 by Rainews

On Futuro24 by Rainews, our Director Iain Mattaj told about the progress of the Human Technopole project and its future developments and underlined the multidisciplinary approach that will characterise our research. The Director also talked about plans for technology transfer, collaboration with the public and private sectors and the importance of adapting research activities to […]

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