Human Technopole: New Early Career Fellows Announced
Which brain connections coordinate the sense of sight with movement, for example maintaining stable vision while walking or moving our eyes? How is cholesterol formed and what functions does it have in its intermediate steps? These are the topics of the research projects awarded the Early Career Fellowship Programme, a call for proposals launched by […]
Gender Equality and Diversity at HT – Symposium
The first symposium on “Gender Equality and Diversity at HT” took place today at the Human Technopole Auditorium. The aim of the event was to discuss why there are differences in the career outcomes of men and women and how we can act to promote equality and inclusion at HT. During the event we heard from Gerlind […]
Marino Zerial appointed as new Human Technopole Director
The Supervisory Board of the Human Technopole Foundation has appointed Marino Zerial as the institute’s new Director. Currently Director of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, a research institution he helped found over 25 years ago, Marino Zerial is also an honorary professor at the Faculty of Medicine […]
Human Technopole awarded ERC Consolidator Grant to study the genome in 3D
Magda Bienko, Group Leader at the Functional Genomics Centre at Human Technopole has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her research project “Radialis”. The project, which has earned a funding of 2 million euros, aims to understand the design principles shaping genome architecture. Within our cells, DNA is folded in a three-dimensional structure. The […]
CRISPRcleanR WebApp makes your life easier with CRISPR-Cas9 screens
A web-based application developed by the Iorio Group and the IT & digitalisation team at Human Technopole helps non-computational scientists process and analyse CRISPR-Cas9 screens by reducing false-positive hits. CRISPR/Cas9 technology has become the gold standard for genome and epigenome editing, for studying the regulation of gene expression, and for high-throughput screenings aiming at identifying […]