Colorectal Cancer: ML Enhances Cetuximab Response Predictions
An international collaborative study led by Human Technopole, Candiolo Cancer Institute IRCCS in Turin, the University of Turin, and the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge (UK) has identified new factors associated with therapeutic response in colorectal cancer. The research has led to the development of a machine-learning model capable of accurately predicting the effects of cetuximab, a drug in clinical use, on different colorectal tumour subtypes. Funded by the AIRC Foundation, the study paves the way to identifying molecular features that could serve as biomarkers for predicting treatment response in patients with this type of cancer.
Human Technopole Foundation’s Supplier List online
The Human Technopole Foundation’s Supplier Register is now online.
Long Non-Coding RNA as Therapeutic Target for Multiple Myeloma
A Long Non-Coding RNA Identified as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Multiple Myeloma: Collaborative AIRC Study by University of Magna Graecia and Human Technopole Published in Blood.
First Open Framework for Linking Rare Disease and Environmental Data
A multidisciplinary team led out of the ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin has published cutting-edge research on a new tool designed to enable efficient data linkages between rare diseases and environmental datasets. Published recently in Nature Digital Medicine, the researchers present SERDIF (Semantic Environmental and Rare Disease data Integration Framework), an innovative framework that enables health data researchers to efficiently link environmental and health data sources through location and time information.
HT Director Zerial Awarded Mercurio Prize for Excellence in Research
The Human Technopole Director, Marino Zerial, has been awarded the 2024 Mercurio Prize in the “Research and Development” category, in recognition of the excellence of his research in the field of cell biology. Zerial, renowned for his studies on the mechanisms of endocytosis and cellular transport, has made significant contributions to the understanding of cellular dynamics, with potential therapeutic applications for diseases such as liver conditions.