11 June 2021

CNR President Maria Chiara Carrozza visits HT

Today CNR President Maria Chiara Carrozza visited Human Technopole headquarters together with a delegation of department and institute directors of the National Research Council. HT Director Iain Mattaj and HT President Marco Simoni were joined at the meeting by representatives of the institute’s research areas who gave President Carrozza a tour of Human Technopole’s first […]

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21 May 2021

CryoEM microscopes installed

Titan Krios, Spectra, Glacios, Talos and Aquilos: these are the highly evocative names of the cryo-electron microscopes which Human Technopole has installed in its first major facility. These instruments are unique in Italy and among the most advanced in the world. Compared to more traditional electron microscopes they magnify at a much higher resolution, allowing […]

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10 May 2021

New Group Leaders in Genomics & Neurogenomics

We are excited to introduce five new Group Leaders who will be joining Human Technopole’s Genomics and Neurogenomics Research Centres in the coming months. GENOMICS Blagoje Soskic is a Serbian immunologist and geneticist, currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK. Blagoje’s group uses a wide range of immunological and genomic […]

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03 May 2021

Our first 100 employees

This week Human Technopole reaches an important milestone: our first 100 employees have been recruited! In a little over a year we have grown from a staff of less than 30 people to 100, and counting. Our numbers continue to increase with new colleagues joining us every week from all over the world.  Our employees […]

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03 May 2021

Celebrating innovators on the streets of MIND

A ceremony to re-name the first three streets of MIND – Milano Innovation District took place today marking an important milestone in the district’s project to celebrate and give visibility to lesser known or forgotten innovators. The famous Decumano of the universal Exposition will officially become “Viale Decumano” and the area surrounding the Tree of […]

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