HT Cryo-EM Symposium

Category: Symposium

Location: Human Technopole, Milan, Italy - In presence

Registration Deadline: 31/07/2022

Date: 29/09/2022 - 30/09/2022

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Registration Closed

At Human Technopole, the mission of the Structural Biology Centre is to gain a precise knowledge of the structure of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes, which is essential to understand how they function. To this aim, the Cryo-EM Facility is designed to efficiently combine Single-Particle Analysis (SPA), Electron Tomography (ET) and Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) workflows to study in detail the structure of single macromolecules as well as whole cellular compartments.

During the Cryo-EM Symposium, external world-leading scientists in the field of electron microscopy as well as members of the HT Structural Biology Centre will present their research. Together with experts from leading international research centres, we will engage in a stimulating discussion on the role of structural cellular biology in human health and disease.

Participants will be able to tour the state-of-the-art Cryo-EM Facility currently set up on the Human Technopole campus.


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Scientific Organisers

  • Gaia Pigino Gaia Pigino
    Associate Head of Structural Biology Research Centre, HT
  • Paolo Swuec
    Head of National Facility for Structural Biology, HT
  • Alessandro Vannini Alessandro Vannini
    Head of Structural Biology Research Centre, HT

Invited Speakers

  • Placeholder People Martin Beck
    Director and Scientific Member Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, MPI of Biophysics
  • Placeholder People Bridget Carragher
    Co-Director Simons Electron Microscopy Center New York Structural Biology Center (NYSBC), Adjunct Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Columbia University (CUIMC)
  • Placeholder People Lori Passmore
    MRC Programme Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge (MRC LMB)
  • Placeholder People Elizabeth Villa
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology in the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of California San Diego (HHMI – UCSD)

Internal Speakers

Additional Speakers

  • Placeholder People Andrea Musacchio
    Director of Mechanistic Cell Biology, MPI of Molecular Physiology
  • Placeholder People Wim Hagen
    Senior Engineer Electron Microscopy at European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL
  • Placeholder People Filippo Mancia
    Professor of Physiology & Cellular Biophysics and Co-Director of Graduate Studies, Department Physiology & Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University (CUIMC)
  • Placeholder People Jurgen Plitzko
    Group Leader, MPI of Biochemistry