Improving Human Life and Technology

Human technopole Milan
Human technopole Milan

Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and National Facilities

Category: Institutional

Location: Auditorium Ministero della Salute, sala Biagio D’Alba, viale Giorgio Ribotta 5, Roma - Hybrid

Registration Deadline: Registrations Closed

Date: 10/06/2024

Download the Programme

Human Technopole is pleased to announce the conference “Improving Human Life and Technology,” scheduled for 10 June 2024, starting at 10:00 AM, at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Health in Rome, with the presence of Orazio Schillaci, Italian Minister of Health, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Italian Minister of Economy and Finance and Marcella Panucci, Chief of Staff of the Italian Minister for University & Research.

The event will be a key occasion to present the characteristics and access procedures of the Institute’s 5 National Facilities. These are technological hubs and incubators for developing and disseminating new tools and methodologies, and for carrying out top-level research, open to the national scientific community. Throughout the day, Human Technopole’s new 2024-2028 Strategic Plan will be presented, outlining the Institute’s priorities and goals for the coming years.

The event will be held in a hybrid format. In-person participation is guaranteed until all seats are filled and registration is required by 3 June at 6 PM. Registration to remote connection will be available until 7 June at 12 PM.

The conference will be held in Italian.


Download the event presentations in pdf: