Paolo Swuec wins Italian Society of Biochemistry (SIB) Medal 2020
Paolo Swuec Head of Human Technopole’s Cryo-EM Facility was awarded yesterday the Italian Society of Biochemistry Medal 2020 for having played an “important role in the development at national level of the analysis of complex macromolecular structures using Cryo-EM “. Paolo is a biochemist interested in the architectural characterization of cellular and molecular targets using […]
Director Mattaj comments on the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2020
Director Iain Mattaj commented the winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry: “The Nobel prize awarded to Charpentier and Doudna is very well deserved. CRISPR is a typical example of a discovery which initially seemed interesting to a limited, niche group of scientists studying bacterial evolution. It has since become a fundamental tool for […]
From EXPO Milano 2015 to EXPO Dubai 2020
Friday 2 October 2020 – Palazzo Italia hosts “Life Sciences: the Italian model of innovation and research ad EXPO 2020 Dubai”. The event is part of the “One Year to Go” initiative organized by the General Commission for Italy at EXPO Dubai 2020 and Cluster ALISEI to celebrate Italian excellences in the life sciences sector, […]
Innovation Intergroup visits MIND and HT
14 September 2020 – An opportunity for dialogue and discussion today at MIND and Palazzo Italia between a selection of Members of Parliament, part of the Innovation Intergroup led by Hon. Nicolò Invidia and MIND partners. The first part of the meeting was attended by Igor De Biasio, Arexpo CEO, Andrea Ruckstuhl, EMEA Lendlease Director, […]
HT on Nature journal
Precision medicine is at the heart of the future development of European healthcare. This is the indication of a roadmap presented by LifeTime ,the European consortium which sees HT amongs its associate partners. The journal Nature published the article “LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine”. In the article innovators, research pioneers, clinicians, industry leaders and policy makers […]